Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Steering Mechanism:

Steering Mechanism: There are two types of steering gear mechanisms
1. Davis Steering gear 2. Ackermann Steering gear

1. Davis Steering gear :The Davis Steering gear has sliding pair, it has more
friction than the turning pair, there fore the Davis Steering Gear wear out
earlier and become inaccurate after certain time. This type is mathematically
Tan รก = b/2l Where b= AB = distance between the pivots of front axle.
l=wheel base
2. Ackermann Steering System: It has only turning pair. It is not
mathematically accurate except in three positions. The track arms are made
inclined so that if the axles are extended they will meet on the longitudinal
axis of the car near rear axle. This system is called ackermann steering.

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